Distributed Data Analytics Systems


Drawbacks of traditional distributed Framework,Why this?


  • Data exchange requires synchronization
  • Difficult to cope with partial system failure

Why Hadoop:

  • Reliability: handle partial failures
  • Scalability: Automatically scales to more computing nodes
  • Programmability: written in high-level code

How HDFS works?

When a client application wants to read a file, it communicates with the name node to determine which blocks make up the file, and which datanodes those blocks reside in.Then it communicate directly with the datanodes to read the data.

MapReduce Execution:

  1. Pre-loaded local input data
  2. Intermediate data from mappers
  3. Values exchanged by shuffle process
  4. Reducing process generates outputs
  5. Outputs stored in HDFS

MapReduce bottleneck:

  1. Problem: huge data transfer takes lot of time in shuffle step.

    Solution:Hadoop will start transfer data from mappers to reduces as the mappers finish work

  2. Problem: straggler problem exist indeed, while no reducer can start before every mapper has finished

    Solution: Hadoop uses speculative execution, specifically, if a mapper appears to be running significantly more slowly than others, a new instance of the mapper will start on another machine, operating same data, the first result will be used and the running mapper will be killed

  3. Problem: Data must be passed to reducer, which result in a lot of network traffic

    Solution: Combiner, like a “mini-reduce”, runs locally on single mapper’s output, and the codes are often identical with reducer.

  4. Problem: potential performance issues or secondary sort is needed.

    Solution: Write you own Custom Partitioners


Drawbacks of traditional distributed Framework,Why this?


Hard to handle recursive program, for example: Graph analytics, machine learning, data mining or some recursive queries. mapreduce: Load and Shuffle data on each iteration

Why HaLoop:

  • TaskTracker (Cache management)

  • Scheduler (Cache awareness)

  • Programming model (multi-step loop bodies, cache control)

It is a efficient common runtime for recursive languages: Map, Reduce, Fixpoint.


Inter-iteration caching:

  • Mapper input cache (MI)
  • Reducer input cache (RI)
  • Reducer output cache (RO)

RI - Reducer Input Cache:

Access to loop invariant data without map/shuffle, used by reducer function.

RO - Reducer Output Cache:

Distributed access to output of previous iteration, used by fixpoint evaluation

MI - Mapper Input Cache:

Access to non-local mapper input on later iterations, used during scheduling of map tasks.


  • Loop Control
  • Caching
  • Indexing


Drawbacks of traditional distributed Framework,Why this?

When meet long and complicated data-parallel pipelines, it is difficult to program and manage, besides each mapreduce job needs to keep intermediate results, what’s more, high overhead at synchronization barrier between different mapreduce jobs.

Why flume?



Performance (lazy evaluation and Dynamic optimization)

Usability & deployability (implemented as a java library)


  1. Sink flatten
  2. ParallelDo fusion
  3. MSCR fusion


Drawbacks of traditional distributed Framework,Why this?

General-purpose execution engine for coarse-grained data-parallel applications

Easy to write simple programs, execution engine automatically manages scheduling, distribution, FT, etc.

Why Dryad?

Job = Directed Acyclic Graph

Computational “vertices” connected by communication “channels”(edges)

What GDL (Graph Description Language)?

A lower-level programming model than SQL


  • Job Manager
  • Name Server
  • Daemons


Drawbacks of traditional distributed Framework,Why this?

complex applications

interactive ad-hoc queries

Reuse of intermediate results across multiple computatios

RDD (Resilient Distributed Datasets)?

  1. Restricted form of distributed shared memory, only be built through coarse-grained deterministic transformations
  2. Fault recovery using lineage (Log transformations used to build a dataset, log enough info how it was derived from other RDDs)

RDD good for:

Apply the same operation to all elements of a dataset (coarse-grained operation)

Remember each transformation as one step in a lineage graph

Recovery of lost partitions without having to log large amounts of data

Not good for: asynchronous fine-grained updates to shared state

Task Scheduler:

Dryad-like DAGs


Drawbacks of traditional distributed Framework,Why this?

Iterative processing on streaming data, interactive queries on a fresh, consistent view of the results.

Whay Naiad?

A new computational model: timely dataflow


iteractive and incremental computations : Structured loops allowing feedback in the dataflow, stateful dataflow vertices capable of consuming and producing records without global coordination

producing consistent results -> notifications for vertices once they have received all records for a given round of input or loop iteration.

Key point:


in the graph, every stateful vertices receive timestamped message along directed edges.

In nested cycle, use timestamp to distiguish data in different input and loop iterations

Two methods:

Supports asynchronous and fine-grained synchronous execution

  1. Batching: sychronous, one-to-one correspondence between input and output
  2. Streaming: asychronous, overlapping computation (latency is low)

Low latency?

  1. programming model: Asynchronous and fine-grained synchronous execution.
  2. Distributed progress tracking protocol: enables processes to deliver notifications promptly.


Drawbacks of traditional distributed Framework,Why this?

High performance, flat learning curve, good reusability, low maintenance cost and high compatibility

Why husky?

A new computational model that makes Husky general and expressive


Master-Worker architecture


keeps worker information and data partitioning scheme

Does not sit on the data path and don’t compute

coordinates work among workers and monitors the progress of workers


Read/write data, communicate with other workers. compute in parallel

Send heartbeat to master periodically


Channel-based messaging subsystem -> makes streaming computation posible

Store attribute lists as in a column-store

Better locality, more oppotunity to optimize (vectorization). Adding attributes without recompiling, useful for interactive data analysis.